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Estonia Creates Nomad Digital Visa

The amendments to the Alien Act have been approved by the Estonian Government to allow the development of a digital nomad visa, making it one of the first countries in the world to create such a visa.

According to the Ministry of the Interior of Estonia, a digital nomad visa allows internationals to work in Estonia, who are engaged in jobs irrespective of place and time, primarily in the field of technology, finance or marketing.

The Ministry also explains that according to, this kind of visa would be issued for both short-term and long-term stays.

A digital nomad of nomads Visa reinforces the picture of Estonia as an e-state and helps Estonia to have a foreign say more effectively. It also contributes to the export of e-solutions from Estonia, which is particularly important in recovering from the current economic crisis," said Estonian Prime Minister Mart Helme on the subject."

According to Minister Helme, while issuing a digital nomadic visa, the general requirements for issuing visas apply, noting that mitigating the possibility of misuse was also taken into account in the creation of the amendments. He emphasized that no digital nomad is entitled to a visa by default and his background is checked as closely as other visa applicants."

The Digital Nomad Visa Program will be introduced gradually, according to Estonia's government. Internationals who show they are digital nomads will be included in the first step, and they will be able to apply for a visa.

In the future, solutions are being developed that will allow other Estonian e-government solutions, especially e-residency, to be integrated with digital nomads.Uh. Visa. "The program offered by a reliable service provider is planned for the future," the Ministry of the Interior of Estonia reported.

According to preliminary figures referred to by the Ministry of the Interior of Estonia, almost 1,800 people each year may be able to apply for a digital nomadic visa.

For now, Germany, Estonia, Costa Rica, Norway, Mexico, Portugal and the Czech Republic are the countries providing visas for digital nomads.

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